Friday, July 3, 2015

Asbestos Exposure Continues to Claim Lives

What you should know about Asbestos Exposure


The dangers of Asbestos Exposure can be felt decades after. (Photo Credits)

Asbestos exposure remains to be a frightening concept or most people as one will never know when a person could feel the effects to the exposure.

Website Telegraph.Co.Uk has featured a story on some Mesothelioma patients who have been exposed to asbestos about ten years before the dreadful diagnosis. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer associated with Asbestos exposure.

“With most cancers, it is hard to know the exact cause. Though some smokers get lung cancer, for example, not all lung cancer sufferers have smoked. But mesothelioma is different. In almost every case, the cause is exposure to asbestos – a fibrous building material once dubbed “miraculous”, but now known to be mortally dangerous. For most of us, mesothelioma has been an easy disease to ignore. Asbestos, after all, is a product of the past.”

Read the rest of the story here.

Latency Period

In its website, the New York Times also featured a story on two scientists who have discovered an asbestos source that might have polluted the air in the community nearest it.

“Worried about the possible health risks, Dr. Buck and Dr. Metcalf, professors of geoscience at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, reached out to experts in asbestos-related diseases. With data from Nevada’s cancer registry, an epidemiologist prepared a preliminary report that outlined what she felt was a troubling pattern of mesothelioma — a cancer often related to asbestos exposure — among residents of the affected areas.”

History of Asbestos. Continue reading the rest of the story here.

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Website Mesothelioma Help Now meantime continues to monitor the cases of workers in a manufacturing plant that have been exposed to Asbestos.

“While discrimination is the general concern in this situation, we also can’t help but worry about the workers who were exposed to asbestos on the job. Mesothelioma has such a long latency period that it could take decades for these individuals to show signs of the disease. It is essential that they stay vigilant about monitoring their health and express their concerns to their primary care physician.”

Read the rest of the article here.

Asbestos is indeed dangerous, and efforts should be exerted to ensure non-exposure to this dangerous element.

The post Asbestos Exposure Continues to Claim Lives appeared first on Mold Fixer.

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